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There are situations where we need to create ASPX pages dynamically in our websites. For example, if we want to build a tutorial hosting site or a content management system that has huge static data we can publish it in a static page instead of putting it into database. Read more on this article.
In webapplications, one the most common task is displaying a table of data to users. Most of the time, it is sufficient if we drag the control into the webform instead of adding it dynamically to achieve the target. At times, we will require doing this dynamically. This article will help us to create dynamic gridview control in ASP.Net.
ASP.Net has packed with a handful of inbuilt validation control that assists us in client side input validations. These validator controls will fire even when we navigate between the controls on the page. Sometimes, it will be better if the validation occurs only when we submit the form and not on blur. This article will help us to do it with the existing validation control that is packed with ASP.Net.
In webapplications, one the most common task is displaying a table of data to users. Most of the time, it is sufficient if we drag the control into the webform instead of adding it dynamically to achieve the target. At times, we will require doing this dynamically. This article will help us to create dynamic datalist control in ASP.Net.
In this section we will discuss how we can make plug & play architecture using policy application blocks. What we will do is we will take a practical scenario where we want to enable logging for an application depending on situations.
In Part1, we have the basics of LINQ to SQL classes and the tools (LINQ to SQL designer) for generating LINQ to SQL class using Visual Studio 2008. In Part 2, we will understand how the same tasks can be done without LinqDataSource control.
This article includes 5 easy steps of how to use logging utility in your project
Most often, we will get requirements to display date in GridView column. To format the date displayed in the GridView column, we can use “DataFormatString” to set the DateTime format in a Bound Column. This article will helps us formatting the date string the GridView column when we use Bound column and Template column.
LINQ to SQL is a capability which we can use to manage the relational database object as .net object. We can query, insert, update and delete the underlying database object with these classes. With this introduction, we will see more about LINQ to SQL classes in this article.
Sometimes, we will have requirements to have a RadioButton control in every row of the GridView control to select only one row at a time. If we have a TemplateColumn and include a RadioButton control, it will allow selection of multiple rows. It is because the RadioButton will have different Id and hence it will allow multiple selections.
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