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Quick Start Guides

A list of brief guides to kickstart learning a topic! For example, it helps you to quickly understand a technology or language or a product, etc.

Learn Nuget Package Manager in 10 Minutes
Nuget is a package manager to assist in developing applications in Microsoft development platforms including .Net. Nuget package manager supports..Read more

Learn Bower Package Manager in 10 Minutes
Bower is an open source client side package manager used when developing web applications that extensively uses client side JavaScript libraries or..Read more

Learn dotnet CLI(Command Line Interface for .Net Core) in 10 Minutes
The dotnet Command Line Interface is a cross platform command line tool used for developing and performing various development activities when..Read more

Learn Kestrel Webserver in 10 Minutes
Kestrel is an open source, cross platform, light weight and a default webserver used for Asp.Net Core applications. Asp.Net Core applications run..Read more

Learn Entity Framework Code First in 10 Minutes
Entity Framework Code First is another approach released with Entity Framework 4.1 version. In Code First approach we can define domain class first..Read more