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Is It Easy to Learn Java if You Already Know JavaScript?

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If you are in the IT field, you already know that it is dynamic, so you need to change with it. To be an in-demand programmer, you should keep up with the times. This is why most people want to know if they can learn Java after they already know JavaScript.

For masters of JavaScript, the next sensible step will be to learn about Java. To make things easier for you, we've written a guide on the differences between Java and JavaScript.

Why Should You Master Java If You Already Know JavaScript?

If you already know JavaScript, you're wondering why you have to learn Java afterward. Well, going the extra mile will open up a wide range of opportunities for you. Let's take a look at them:

Extended Professional Skills:

Learning Java after JavaScript will increase your professional skills in the IT field. This is important for any programmer. Programmers need to know more than language. This allows them to take care of more complicated projects. Depending on any problem you have, there are various languages at your disposal.

More Job Opportunities:

With your extended professional skills will come better job opportunities. If you want to get a good job, you need to meet the companies' standards. But, if you only know about JavaScript, you'll be limiting yourself. Also, you'll be taking on lesser roles whenever you get projects.

Higher Income:

Then, as you get better job opportunities, you can increase the revenue you get. Companies usually play multilingual programmers more than they do monolingual programmers. By knowing Java after JavaScript, you become more flexible and adapt to the changes in the IT field.

Is It Difficult to Transfer from JavaScript to Java?

If you're wondering how easy it is to transition from JavaScript to Java, there are two things you must consider.

Differences between JavaScript and Java:

They are both general-purpose programming languages. But the two have some differences. Java is quite like C++ and C# because it is an object-oriented language. It doubles a platform so that Java can run on any machine featuring a Java Virtual Machine.

But JavaScript is an object-based scripting language – lightweight, top-notch functions and interpreted. Programmers consider it a language meant for web pages. JS is a flexible and prototype-based scripting language. It allows usage of important and versatile programming styles. It is quite dynamic.

Their applications vary too. The following are for Java:

  • Mobile Applications

  • Desktop GUI Applications

  • Web-based Applications

  • Enterprise Applications

  • Scientific Applications

  • Gaming Applications

  • Big Data technologies

  • Business Applications

As for JavaScript, they are:

  • Web Development

  • Web Applications

  • Presentations

  • Server Applications

  • Web Servers

  • Games

  • Art



The modifiers of these two languages are also different. Java has four access modifiers, which include private, default, protected, and public. You can choose the access level depending on what you want to program.

As for JavaScript, it has eight modifiers arranged in three categories.

  • Primitive Data Types: String, Boolean, or Number.
  • Composite Data Types: Objects, Array and Function.
  • Special Data Types: Undefined and Null.

· Runtime Environment:

Finally, there exists a difference between their runtime environments. Java uses the Java Runtime Environment. On the opposite end, JavaScript uses basic runtime environments like Chrome or Firefox.

How Long Does It Take to Learn Java if You Know JavaScript?

The time it will take you to learn Java, if you know JavaScript, depends on various factors. They include your programming background, studying style, and willingness to expand your skills. Thus, there's no particular time frame you can expect. With a few hours of learning Java daily, you’ll be familiar with the basics within a month.

But, if you put all your time into it, you'll learn Java quickly enough to take on jobs.

Sources to Master Java

Different ways for learning Java like interactive programming courses exist online. Then, there are also engaging communities to join to learn more. Let's take a look at some good sources:

Online Courses

· CodeGym: This is a well-known online tutorial with over 1200 tasks that you can use to learn Java from scratch. It begins with the basics, Java Syntax, before going to more intense learning. It grills you with over 500 hours of Java training and is self-paced, so you can learn at your convenience.

· Codecademy: You can expect excellence from Codeacademy, which is used by tens of millions of users. It teaches you with real coding and immediate feedback. It also allows you to apply what you learn with real-word projects.

· Coursera: Coursera collaborates with over 200 leading universities to provide you with high quality Java coaching. The options it offers are affordable, flexible and self-paced. It also features over 5000 courses and specializations.

· Udacity: Udacity offers learning options for individuals, enterprises and the government. It features project-based active learning and 24/7 mentors to answer your questions. It also features self-paced learning and real employable skills.


· GitHub

· HackerNews

· freeCodeCamp

· StackOverflow

· Reddit


You definitely won't regret training yourself in Java after JavaScript. As you're a member of the IT field and know about programming from JavaScript, it won't be difficult to learn Java. Take an extra step in your programming career by learning Java.


