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Convert DateTime to Different TimeZone in C#, ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Get Month Name and Day name for a Date in C#, ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Format DateTime based on Country or Culture in C#, ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Get All Language-Country Code List for all Culture in C#, ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
How to strip HTML tags, HTML Encode and Decode HTML string using jQuery/JavaScript in ASP.Net? Satheesh Babu B
How to search a folder or file under a directory using wildcard in C#? Bala Murugan
Disable or Make a ListItem Non selectable ASP.Net DropDownList Satheesh Babu B
Block or Disable Cut, Copy and Paste operation in ASP.Net TextBox Using jQuery Bala Murugan
How to split string using C#? Satheesh Babu B
How to check if a String is Integer in C#? (Part 2) James Curran
How to get all files in the current directory and in all sub directories under the directory in C#? Bala Murugan
How to get all Directories(folders) and Sub directories(sub folders) under a Directory in C#? Bala Murugan
How to check if a String is Integer in C#? Bala Murugan
How to Count Number of Words in C# string? Satheesh Babu B
How to get Client Computer/PC IP Address and name in ASP.Net ? Bala Murugan
How to call a Javascript function at equal Interval in ASP.Net ? Satheesh Babu B
How to select all dates of a Week and Month using Calendar control in ASP.Net ? Satheesh Babu B
How to Disable the page or All Page control using jQuery in ASP.Net? Satheesh Babu B
How to Enable and Disable all Input control using jQuery in ASP.Net? Satheesh Babu B
How to disable past/previous dates in Calendar Control in ASP.Net? Satheesh Babu B
How to disable a particular date of a month in ASP.Net Calendar Control? Satheesh Babu B
How to disable particular Day of a Week in ASP.Net Calendar control? Satheesh Babu B
How to disable Weekends(Saturday and Sunday) in ASP.Net Calendar control? Satheesh Babu B
How to Export GridView Control to Word document in ASP.Net ? Satheesh Babu B
Consume RSS Feed Using XSLT Transformation in ASP.Net Bala Murugan
How to Prevent Duplicate Record Insertion on Referesh Click in Browser in ASP.Net ? Satheesh Babu B
How to Set DefaultButton and DefaultFocus when Using MasterPage in ASP.Net ? Satheesh Babu B
How to Convert SqlDataReader object to DataTable in C#, ADO.Net? Satheesh Babu B
How to convert string color code to System.Drawing.Color and vice versa? Satheesh Babu B
How to convert String to Char[] and Char[] to String in C# ? Satheesh Babu B
Convert String Variable to Stream and Stream to String Variable in C# Satheesh Babu B
Refresh or Submit the Parent page from PopUp Window Using Javascript Bala Murugan
Get Client BrowserName, Version and Operating System name in ASP.Net Codebehind Bala Murugan
How to open a popup window when user closes the browser close button ? Satheesh Babu B
Implicitly Closing the Connection object when SqlDataReader is returned from a Function Satheesh Babu B
How to Focus on the Control when Validator control fires in ASP.Net ? Bala Murugan
Using null-coalescing[??] operator in C# Satheesh Babu B
Parsing or Reading a Simple JSON string using jQuery in ASP.Net Bala Murugan
Add a Default List Item to DropDownList Using AppendDataBoundItems in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
How To Set Default Button in ASP.Net/ASPX Page ? Bala Murugan
Disable ViewState for a Set of ASP.Net Pages in a Folder Bala Murugan
How to Get DataKey value in RowDataBound or RowCommand Event in ASP.Net GridView control ? Satheesh Babu B
Using RequiredField Validator with CKEditor in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
How to Access Data Row in ItemDataBound event of DataGridView, DataList and Repeater Control ? Bala Murugan
How to Call a Method in ASPX Page(CodeBehind) from a UserControl in C# and ASP.Net ? Bala Murugan
How to do Bulk Copy of data from one Database Table to Another Database Table in C# and ASP.Net? Satheesh Babu B
How to use Try Catch Block for SQL Transactions in SQL Server 2005 ? Bala Murugan
How to Get and Set Value of HTML control from CodeBehind in ASP.Net? Satheesh Babu B
How to open a popup window at a specific location of your screen ? Bala Murugan
How to Show MessageBox in ASP.Net ? Bala Murugan
Programmatically refresh an aspx page from CodeBehind using C# and ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Conditionally Formatting GridView Row based on a Column value in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Use RequiredFieldValidator control with TinyMCE editor in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
How to Access Session variable, logged in users from an External Class File in ASP.Net ? Satheesh Babu B
What is the use of ClientScript.RegisterForEventValidation() method in ClientScriptManager class? How can we prevent the disabling event validation in ASP.Net ? Satheesh Babu B
Display Loading/Progressing image for jQuery Ajax methods in Asp.Net Satheesh Babu B
How to Return XmlDocument from ASP.Net Webservice and Consuming it Satheesh Babu B
How to Redirect URLs/domain Without www to With www and Vice versa – Permanent Redirection in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Character Counter for ASP.Net TextArea or MultiLine TextBox Using jQuery Satheesh Babu B
Limit Number of Characters in MultiLine ASP.Net TextBox or TextArea Using jQuery Satheesh Babu B
How to alert User when the form is Submitted or Posted to Server using jQuery? Satheesh Babu B
Move List Items Up and Down Using jQuery in ASP.Net ListBox control Satheesh Babu B
Get the ResultSet Returned by LINQDatasource Control in CodeBehind Satheesh Babu B
How to Cancel DataBind when using LINQDataSource Control? Satheesh Babu B
Change Advertisement in AdRotator Without Page Refresh at Regular Interval Satheesh Babu B
Disable Submit Button after First Click to Prevent Duplicate Postback Using jQuery Bala Murugan
XML to Treeview jeeva jagadesh
Open all Hyperlinks in a Page in Separate Window using jQuery Satheesh Babu B
Pass Value to Destination Page When Using Server.Transfer Satheesh Babu B
Fetching specific words from a Text file using c# Gaurav Arora
Highlight HTML Table Row based on the Row Data Using jQuery Satheesh Babu B
Selecting HyperLinks based on the Target URL’s Extension Using jQuery Satheesh Babu B
Styling the Alternating Row of HTML table Using jQuery Satheesh Babu B
Get Selected RadioButtonList Value using JavaScript in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Move/Scroll Page to Top After Asynchronous Postback in UpdatePanel in ASP.Net AJAX Satheesh Babu B
Upload file with Progress Bar : In a tweak Gaurav Arora
How to create a simple JOIN LINQ query to fetch data from 2 entities? Satheesh Babu B
Setting Media property for StyleSheets When Using Themes in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Prevent Web.Config settings inheritance in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Disabling Theme Set in Web.Config in a Page Satheesh Babu B
Get Website IP Address in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Lazy Loading Images in Webpage using jQuery Satheesh Babu B
JSON Serialization and Deserialization in ASP.Net Rakki Muthukumar
Accessing Master Page Members from Content Pages in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Using RegisterOnSubmitStatement() Method of of ClientScriptManager Class Satheesh Babu B
Using RegisterStartupScript() Methods of ClientScriptManager Class Satheesh Babu B
Using RegisterClientScriptBlock() Methods of ClientScriptManager Class Satheesh Babu B
Encrypting/Decrypting Connection String in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
WaterMark in ASP.Net TextBox using JavaScript Satheesh Babu B
How to add new ListItem to DropDownList control using jQuery? Satheesh Babu B
How to Set Default Focus on a ASP.Net Control in PageLoad or Postback? Satheesh Babu B
Threading in C# - Easier to write Gaurav Arora
Get Current Rating of AJAXControlToolkit Rating Control from Client Side JavaScript Satheesh Babu B
Check AJAX Rating control is Read-Only in JavaScript and Set AJAX Rating control to Read-Only in JavaScript Satheesh Babu B
Select one RadioButton at a Time in GridView using JQuery Satheesh Babu B
Nullables in Csharp : A Step Ahead Series Gaurav Arora
How to shuffle my data values - A Step Ahead Series Gaurav Arora
How to Remove or Truncate the HTML Tags in a String Variable in C# Satheesh Babu B
Capturing Mouse Events Using JavaScript : A Step Aheade Series Gaurav Arora
ClientValidation-JavaScript Gaurav Arora
A VideoPlayer - Custom Control Gaurav Arora
Display Progress or Loading message without using UpdateProgress Control in ASP.Net AJAX Bala Murugan
How to Add, Remove ListItems from one ListBox to Another Using JQuery? Satheesh Babu B
How to Refresh a Set of Controls or DIV without Refreshing other Controls Inside UpdatePanel control in ASP.Net AJAX? Satheesh Babu B
A Simple CAPTCHA Image Verification in C# and ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Open an Outlook window from JavaScript with Pre-populated Subject and Body Satheesh Babu B
Get the Element that raised the Asynchronous Postback in UpdatePanel in JavaScript Satheesh Babu B
Get the ScriptManager Object in MasterPage from ContentPage in ASP.Net AJAX Satheesh Babu B
Custom Paging Using Sql Server 2005 Satheesh Babu B
Creating Watermark TextBox in ASP.Net using JQuery Satheesh Babu B
Enable/Disable Validator controls in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Prevent the Page Flickering with AJAXControlToolkit Rating control using JQuery Satheesh Babu B
Calling a Serverside Method from JavaScript in ASP.Net AJAX - PageMethods Satheesh Babu B
Using the JQuery Library hosted by Google CDN (Content Distribution Network) in ASP.Net Applications Satheesh Babu B
How to Pass Date from Calendar Pop-Up control To Parent Window in ASP.Net ? Satheesh Babu B
Printing ASPX Page by Hiding Some of the Page Elements Dynamically Satheesh Babu B
Display multiple spaces in HTML Satheesh Babu B
String.ReplaceAll function in JavaScript Satheesh Babu B
Validate For Invalid File in ASP.Net FileUpload control Satheesh Babu B
Fire Validator Controls Before JavaScript Confirm Box Fires in ASP.Net Page Satheesh Babu B
Fit Popup window Size to the Image Size using JavaScript Satheesh Babu B
Cancel an Asynchronous Postback Request Before Sending it to Server Satheesh Babu B
Uploading Files using FileUpload control in Update Panel in ASP.Net AJAX Satheesh Babu B
How to make FileUpload control in ASP.Net 2.0 to Read-Only? Satheesh Babu B
Get File Extension, File Name, File Name without Extension from Path in C# and ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Using new GeneratedImage control to display images from DataBase in GridView control in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Validate Image dimension when uploading in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
File Size Validation in FileUpload control in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Highlight GridView Rows When Checkbox is checked in GridView using JQuery Satheesh Babu B
Check All Checkboxes in a Particular Column in GridView using JQuery Satheesh Babu B
Check All Checkboxes in GridView using JQuery Satheesh Babu B
Get Selected RadioButtonList value in ASP.Net Using Jquery Satheesh Babu B
Dynamically Adding JavaScript in ASP.Net AJAX Satheesh Babu B
Fade In and Fade Out DIV tag with JQuery based on Checkbox selection Satheesh Babu B
Show and Hide DIV tag based on Checkbox selection using JQuery Satheesh Babu B
Conditionally validating a textbox when a checkbox is checked in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Scrolling News in C# and ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Active Tab Changed Event in Tab control in AJAX Control Toolkit Satheesh Babu B
Copy the Sorted/Filtered Dataview To DataTable in .Net 1.1 Satheesh Babu B
Adding Remember Me Option in Login Form for Forms Authentication Satheesh Babu B
Search in Generic List in C# Satheesh Babu B
Bind Generic List collection to DropDownList Control in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Disabling output Caching in ASP.Net 2.0 Satheesh Babu B
Convert Text in TextBox to LowerCase and UpperCase When User Typing Using Javascript Satheesh Babu B
Read a Text File in C# and ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Display text with line breaks that is typed in Multiline Asp.Net TextBox in HTML Satheesh Babu B
Clearing ASP.Net FileUpload Control in Javascript Satheesh Babu B
Predicate Delegate with Example in C# Satheesh Babu B
Restrict Characters and Allow only Integers in Textbox using JavaScript Satheesh Babu B
AssociatedControlID property in ASP.Net Label Control Satheesh Babu B
File Download in ASP.Net with C# Bala Murugan
Add,Add All, Remove, Remove All functionalities from one ASP.Net ListBox to another in Javascript Satheesh Babu B
Cancel Multiple Asynchronous Postback from Same Button in ASP.Net AJAX Satheesh Babu B
Disable the Button that Initiated Asynchronous PostBack Until Server Processing Completes in ASP.Net AJAX Satheesh Babu B
Upload image to file system and create thumbnail image on the fly in C# and ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Upload image to Sql Server Database in C# and ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Difference between Eval and BIND method Satheesh Babu B
Get Number of Rows/Records the DataSource control returns in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Applying themes through ASPX, Web.Config and Dynamically in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Re-using Inbuilt Validation Scripts in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Get All Attributes or Properties available in Active Directory in C# Satheesh Babu B
Update a property for multiple users in Active Directory using C# Satheesh Babu B
Adding Custom Property to Page Directive in ASP.Net 2.0 Satheesh Babu B
Redirecting user to NotAuthorized page when tried accessing a restricted resource Satheesh Babu B
New Object Initializer in C# 3.0 Satheesh Babu B
Align 2 DIV tags in same line in HTML Satheesh Babu B
Update a property Value in Active Directory in C# Satheesh Babu B
Displaying Last Request Processed Server Time at the End of Every ASP.Net Pages Satheesh Babu B
Generate image from a string in C#. ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Accessing Session Variable in HttpHandler in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Rename File and Folder in C#, ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Passing value from Page to UserControl in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Confirmation Message before Postback in Submit Button in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Type Conversion using “TryParse()” method Satheesh Babu B
DropDownList control with "Select" as First Item Satheesh Babu B
Directory Class Vs DirectoryInfo Class Satheesh Babu B
Accessing Codebehind Variable and methods in ASPX page Satheesh Babu B
FormsAuthentication.SignOut() does not reflect in LoginStatus and LoginName control Satheesh Babu B
HTML Input and Input Validation through ValidateRequest Satheesh Babu B
Controlling Access to Folders in FormsAuthentication using location Element Satheesh Babu B
Using RequiredFieldValidator control with DropDownList control Satheesh Babu B
Adding Controls dynamically to UpdatePanel control and Setting Triggers Dynamically Satheesh Babu B
Convert Bitmap Object to byte[] And byte[] to Bitmap Object in C# Satheesh Babu B
Identity Impersonate at Code Level in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Make DropDownList Item Selection in Runtime Satheesh Babu B
Binding DropDownList from CodeBehind and ASPX by Fetching Data From Database Satheesh Babu B
Delete Rows in GridView in ASP.Net 2.0 Satheesh Babu B
Edit/Update in GridView in ASP.Net 2.0 Satheesh Babu B
Connecting to SqlServer and Binding a GridView control in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B
Connecting to Excel sheet using Generic Data Access in ADO.Net 2.0 Satheesh Babu B
Creating Thumbnail Image in ASP.Net Satheesh Babu B