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Rename File and Folder in C#, ASP.Net
Submitted By Satheesh Babu B
On 11/2/2008 5:29:25 AM

Rename File and Folder in C#, ASP.Net


There is no separate Rename method for renaming a file and a folder. It can be achieved by Move method packed with File and Directory class.


The below code snippets will help us doing this.


Renaming a File in C#

protected void btnRenameFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        string path = Server.MapPath("~") + "\\test\\";

        string Fromfile = path + "FileLength.txt";

        string Tofile = path + "FileLength1.txt";

        File.Move(Fromfile, Tofile);



Rename a Folder in C#

protected void btnRenameFolder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


      string path = Server.MapPath("~") ;

        string Fromfol = "\\test\\";

        string Tofol = "\\test1\\";

        Directory.Move(path + Fromfol, path + Tofol);



Thus, we can rename files and folders in application with these code snippets.

We need to include System.IO namespace for this code to work.

Do you have a working code that can be used by anyone? Submit it here. It may help someone in the community!!

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