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Selectable Grid in ASP.Net

By Satheesh babu
Posted On Feb 17,2008
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Selectable Grid in ASP.Net


When we want to add Delete, Select functionality to a grid we normally proceed by adding a button for each action. By capturing the ID of the row in each action i.e. in Item Command or Row Command (2.0) we can complete the action.
The resulting grid will look like the following,

To make users more comfortable we can make the grid row selectable, so that we can get rid of Delete and Select button from the grid using Jscript. With this scenario in our mind, how we are going to get the selected row id in server side? I will explain this to achieve in a simpler way. So the resulting grid will look like,


Download the source code project with this article.


Developing the Selectable Grid

I am using a Repeater control to do this task. Drag a Repeater control from the tool box and bind the repeater with whatever data you want to display. I am using “Products” table in NorthWind database in this example. The Repeater HTML will look like,


<asp:repeater id="rptrProducts" runat="server">



<div><table BorderColor="Silver" border="0" width="50%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td bgcolor="Maroon" >

<STRONG><font color="White">Product Id</font></STRONG>


<td bgcolor="Maroon" >

<STRONG><font color="White">Product Name</font></STRONG>


<td bgcolor="Maroon" >

<STRONG><font color="White">UnitPrice</font></STRONG>






<tr id='<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductID")%>' >

<td bgcolor="" valign="top"><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductID")%></td>

<td bgcolor="" valign="top"><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductName")%></td>

<td bgcolor="" valign="top"><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "UnitPrice")%></td>










I am displaying three columns “ProductID”,”ProductName”,”UnitPrice”.

Our target is when the user clicks a row, the repeater row should be highlighted so that it indicates the user the row has been selected as in the above diagram. I am going to do this with the help of Jscript. Before doing this we need to add some code in the above HTML for calling this Jscript function when the user clicks the Repeater Row. To make this happen I am adding an onClick event to the row in ItemTemplate of Repeater. So in the above HTML, I have made some small modification to call the Jscript function.




<tr id='<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductID")%>'

onclick='javascript:Repeater_selectRow(this, "<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductID")%>",true);'

onmouseover='javascript:Repeater_mouseHover(this);' >

<td bgcolor="" valign="top"><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductID")%></td>

<td bgcolor="" valign="top"><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductName")%></td>

<td bgcolor="" valign="top"><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "UnitPrice")%></td>





In the above markup I have called one more Jscript function, onmouseover function that makes the mouse pointer to “hand” which indicates the user that the grid is selectable.Now, when the user clicks a row I need to capture the ID (ProductId in our case) of the row some where so that I can use this ID to do the required action on server side. I have done this using a Hidden Variable with “Runat=Server” attribute Add the following HTML for the hidden variable.


<INPUT id="hdnProductID" type="hidden" value="0" runat="server" NAME="hdnProductID">


Now the implementation Repeater_selectRow() function will be like,


function Repeater_selectRow(row, ProductId)


var hdn=document.Form1.hdnProductID;

hdn.value = ProductId;

if (lastRowSelected != row)


if (lastRowSelected != null)

{ = originalColor; = 'Black' = 'normal';


originalColor = = 'BLACK' = 'White' = 'normal'

lastRowSelected = row;





This function takes 2 arguments, Current Row (row) and ProdudtID. This function initializes the hidden variable to access the row id in server side. I am changing the background color and font color so as to make the row appear as selected. The variable “lastRowSelected” is used to make the last selected row back to normal when the user simply clicks a row and without doing any action then he clicks a another row.


The Repeater_mouseHover(this); function will look like this,


function Repeater_mouseHover(row)

{ = 'hand';



After clicking a row, we can access the RowID (productID in our case) in server side using the hidden variable like,




With this we can do whatever the actions we need to do on the row like select, delete etc…In the sample project i am using local database server and connecting to Northwind database. So after downloading the code change the server name to your own server for the code to work.

Download the source here…




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Thank you! Helped me much
Good one dude